Secrets to Punching Power
A 30 day intensive training program for increasing punching power.

Over 100 punching techniques!
Develop explosive punching power for fighting! Throw punches with more confidence and power than ever before. Unload fast flowing combinations without getting tired. And set up angles to land deadly counters!
Refine every punch in your arsenal from jabs to crosses, hooks, uppercuts, and over 40 different variations of them!
I share all the punching secrets I’ve picked up over the years in this special 30-DAY intensive training program. 8 HOURS of instructional video and a 42-page workbook dedicated to improving your punching technique.
Learn OVER 100 killer punching techniques used by boxers to strike with incredible power, speed, and timing!
FOREWORD: I am humbled and honored to have you as a ExpertBoxing fan/reader. I’ve spent the last 3 years working on this special course. After many long hours, I’ve arrived at last with something I believe can take any fighter’s game to the next level. It has been a true labor of love and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did making it.
Want to have KNOCKOUT punching power?
- Explosive Power – unload crushing power on all your punches!
- Lightning Speed – fire off combinations with blinding speed!
- Deadly Angles – set up angles to land deadly counter punches!
Defense and footwork has never knocked anyone out.
Only punching power can do that.
Do you want RESPECT?
Some fighters have never felt what it’s like to have A-level punching power. It’s not only the ability to punch hard, but the respect that comes with it. Everyone notices you. People turn their heads every time you hit the bag. All the parents, girlfriends and little kids standing around the gym keep watching you train because you look like you can really hurt somebody. And for some reason, no matter what gym you visit, EVERY trainer wants to work with you.
Your opponents respect you more, too. They get nervous when they see you warming up on the mitts. Their coaches worry about putting them in the ring with you. Their game plan always changes to “stay away and jab more”. They keep a distance more. They don’t rush you as much. It’s like you’re carrying a baseball bat into the ring.
Knowing that you can hit hard gives you confidence and security! You don’t worry about another fighter’s punches when you know you have more power. Fighting is way more fun when you can bang. People get hurt when you touch them. They flinch, they back off, they groan, or they go down. You can even take on bigger opponents. Everyone remembers your punches and you get a reputation for being “that guy”.
Do you want to win fights?
Aside from the respect, punching power makes it easier to win fights. You can get the job done with LESS EFFORT and LESS RISK. You get to relax more, even use less energy. Instead of swinging wildly and leaving yourself vulnerable, you can be just as dangerous relaxing from behind your guard.
Imagine having jabs that can break noses, right hands that put opponents on the canvas, hooks that crack ribs, and uppercuts that chop heads off. Power can also push opponents off balance or hurt their arms (or even dislocate shoulders) when they block. Having power makes you dangerous even when you’re tired.
Punching power also helps your boxing strategy. It can keep aggressive guys at a distance, slow down faster opponents, make power-punchers shy, or make defensive guys even more defensive. Punching power makes opponents stop and think. They don’t throw as much when they’re worried about defense.
Whoever has the power, controls the pace.
Do you want to BE A CHAMPION?
How far do you want to go with your boxing? No doubt about it—champions tend to have more power, but it’s not only this. To reach the elite levels in boxing, you need to be proficient in every skill set. And having punching power frees up your time to develop these other skills. Instead of focusing on power, you could be working on your angles, defense, and footwork.
It’s easier to work on higher-level boxing skills when you’re not busy worrying that you don’t punch hard enough. It’s also easier to fight intelligently when opponents respects your punching power.
At the end of the day, many boxing skills fall under the same universal principles. The same skills that give you a great offense can also give you great defense. The athleticism used to generate punching power can also generate balance and foot-speed. Mastering any area helps you improve in all other areas.
Where does REAL punching power come from?

Punching power comes from technique!
The best punchers have the best punching technique! Some might have had great genetics, while others may have had great trainers or great training. But ultimately, they all have great technique. There is something beautiful in the way that they punch. The punches look clean. Everything is strong, solid, and supported. There’s no pain, no awkwardness or weird movements. Every punch lands with 100% pure energy transfer.
Does this mean I’m saying that athletic ability or physical conditioning don’t matter? Absolutely not. I’m simply stating that technique comes first. All you need for a powerful punch is a little effort applied from an effective position. You won’t have to do much if you’re in the right place. You could relax and still hit pretty hard!
The best punchers can hit hard even without trying.
High-skill physical training
I like to categorize physical training into two levels: the first level is what I call “low-skill physical training“. For me, this is your basic strength & conditioning work. It’s got cardio, some strength-training, some endurance work, and basically an all-around total-body workout. This low-skill level training is great for getting you into fighting shape, but isn’t likely to be the thing that helps you break punching records.
The second level is what I call “high-skill physical training“. For me, this is any kind of physical training that focuses on muscle coordination rather than muscle exertion. I’ve referred to it before in various ways: muscle coordination, muscle timing, muscle habit. Let’s call it, “muscle memory”. The first time you learn a movement, your mind has to think it through numerous times before your body can do it. After enough repetition, your body remembers this coordination and just fires everything together without you even thinking about it.
Having muscle memory not only takes less mental effort, but also less physical effort. Have you ever seen those old out-of-shape retired boxers that can still hit hard? Or how about the pro who hits 3 times harder than you do while using only a fraction of effort? How is that even possible? THIS, my friend, is the magic of “muscle memory”. Once the movement patterns are ingrained in your body, you’ll always be in perfect alignment.
Pros focus on muscle coordination, NOT muscle strength.
A great example of “muscle memory training” would be shadowboxing, or high-skill mittwork like Mayweather’s pad routines. Training with lots of conscious thought and body awareness is far more beneficial to a fighter’s development than wailing away on the heavy bag. Many beginners will never develop the fine coordination because they’re so busy trying to throw punches harder and harder.
Angles and timing
Power alone isn’t going to cut it against trained opponents. No one stands around with their chin in the air, right? Smart opponents will be moving all over the place, attacking and countering from a billion angles. So guess what, this means you need to know how to punch from many angles as well. You’ll also need timing, to be in the right place at the right time in order to land your shots.
Without understanding how to use timing and angles, you’ll always be a step behind. It’ll feel like you’re punching at something that’s always covered up, or always running away. You’ll spend all your energy but never hit a clean target.
The SECRET to getting knockouts has more to do with timing and angles than it does with power.
Punching at the right time actually causes MORE DAMAGE to moving opponents (by using their momentum against them). Punching from the right angle not only hurts them even more but also keeps you safe from their counters.
What’s the best body type for punching power?
This argument has gone on forever. Some people say you need a big upper body and big arms like Evander Holyfield. Others will argue that real power comes from the legs like Felix Trinidad. Young kids might like the stocky, muscular build like Mike Tyson. But old school trainers may prefer a smooth-muscled body like Muhammad Ali. There are also people who feel a broad back and long arms has more snapping power like Julian Jackson. And finally, some people will just say, “If you got it, you got it.”
Incredible punching power can come from ANY body type!
I can honestly tell you that I’ve seen power come from all body types. Tall, short, muscular, slim, big arms, skinny arms, thick legs, chicken legs, etc. The beauty of technique is that it works for everyone. Put your body in the right position, crank a little and *BOOM!* Technique really does all the work for you.
Watch videos of my favorite POWER punchers:
Watch videos of my favorite SPEED punchers:
Watch videos of my favorite COUNTER punchers:
The PROBLEM with boxing instruction nowadays…

Most boxers will never get access to quality boxing instruction. Many boxing gyms (if you’re lucky to find one nearby) will only have a few trainers. And the trainers are always busy with their top fighters, their sons, or the guys who already have natural power. For everyone else, they show you a few punches and that’s it. So unless you’re a spring chicken with Olympic potential or pay a lot of money, you’re most likely not going to get the best training possible.
If you’re either a beginner, adult-aged, female, fitness client, or any other kind of everyday-person, you’ve probably been left unsupervised during a training session at some point. The trainer shows you a few combos on the mitts, and then abandons you on the bags while he prepares his top fighters for their weekend matches. This isn’t to say that the trainers care little for your progress; they’re simply busy multi-tasking and focusing more on their prized fighters. Fair enough.
Some trainers won’t even correct you.
They’ll just assume you’re not a “natural”.
Aside from the lack of quality time with an experienced trainer, there is also the issue of only having one viewpoint. Most of you will never get to learn from more than one trainer and so you’ll only be exposed to one style and maybe even be taught that other styles are “wrong”. The worst part of all is that many trainers won’t even try to figure out your problem if you don’t hit hard. They’ll just assume you’re not a “natural”.
The MOST COMMON PROBLEMS with punching technique:
1) weak core involvement
2) poor impact stabilization
3) low punch variation
PROBLEM #1 – Weak Core Involvement
The first problem with punching technique is a lack of core involvement. Many fighters cannot generate powerful punches because of poorly-developed muscles, poor technique, or poor positioning (of the body).
Lack-of-core is common because trainers teach by showing the FORM of a punch. Which means you learn to throw punches based on how they LOOK, rather than by how they FEEL. Poor positioning is common because fighters often inadvertently take their body out of alignment when attempting to be more offensive, defensive, more agile, or to copy their favorite fighters on Youtube.
Without integrating your core properly into every punch, you’ll never be able to generate the maximum power possible. You CAN still throw a very hard punch, but it would take far more effort and unnecessary movement which come with serious drawbacks. You could lose balance, waste energy, or throw slower/wider punches that leave you vulnerable to counters.
Keeping their core engaged, the best punchers can move and punch powerfully without requiring extra effort or preparation time. This allows them freedom to move around instead of being stuck in one position for the whole fight.
PROBLEM #2 – Poor Impact Stabilization
The second problem with punching technique is a lack of impact stabilization. You can generate all the power in the world but it won’t transfer if your body doesn’t stabilize during impact.
Poor impact stabilization is the #1 cause of a power leak. Many fighters will generate tons of power just fine. But then something happens when their fist makes contact—instead of holding the alignment, a joint falls out of position. Maybe the hip is pushed out, or the shoulder is out of place.
Muscles GENERATE power.
Bones (and joints) TRANSFER power.
Fighters who SEEM to have good punching technique but still lack power are probably dealing with this problem. You might have strong muscles and hear a loud *BANG* when the punch lands but little power will transfer if your joints don’t hold stable. Punching with your joints out of alignment not only decreases power but could also hurt your joints (hand/shoulder).
The best punchers know how to position their body during impact to transfer power cleanly. They know exactly how to activate the right muscles and control their joints, to prevent the usual “power leaks”.
PROBLEM #3 – Low Punch Variation
The third problem with punching technique is a lack of punch variation. Many fighters are unable to use their power because they don’t know how to throw punches from different [realistic] positions.
It’s unlikely for fighters to know many ways of throwing punches because 1) trainers won’t teach them other variations until they master the basic ones, and 2) trainers may have their own style bias and shun other variations as being “wrong”.
The problem with throwing punches the same way every time is that your attacks start getting predictable. Unable to land punches, fighters will inevitably invent their own “tricks” and unique ways of throwing punches (usually by taking their body out of position). These creative punch variations may be crafty enough to score but are often not strong enough to cause serious damage.
The best punchers always have more than one way to do something. They know 10 ways to throw the jab, 10 ways to throw the cross, hook, uppercut, etc. If you were to count out every possible variation, they would probably have over 100 different punches. The best punchers will also know the strengths of each variation instead of being confused by conflicting ideologies or blindly believing that only one technique is the “best”.
What’s inside the “SECRETS to Punching Power” training program?

You’ll get access to a comprehensive 30-day training program with 8 hours of video. You’ll learn many new punching methods, drills, exercises, and secret tips each day to completely transform your punching technique and maximize your punching power. I guarantee you will punch harder, faster, and with better timing than ever before!
The most detailed punching technique program….EVER!
Nothing like this exists anywhere. (I know because I looked.) This level of detail isn’t found in any gym or anywhere on the internet. In fact, I doubt anybody has ever learned or taught it this way. Typically, this kind of knowledge is acquired through years of training in different gyms, learning from different trainers, and sparring with different fighters. That’s pretty much how I learned it. However, it’s hard to get access to that nowadays.
So if you don’t have access to multiple gyms, trainers, and sparring partners, it’s honestly really hard to pick this stuff up. Many of these moves are commonly used but they don’t have names. Everyone just assumes that once you get to the competition-level, you pick it up magically somehow. But what if you don’t want to wait all the years and go through all that? I hate to use the word ‘shortcut’, but here is one of the FASTEST shortcuts to take your game to the next level.
Techniques, drills, examples, and lots of explanation!
I recorded hours and hours of video, explaining concepts in various ways and showing movements from multiple angles. We’ll be exploring a hundred new ways to throw punches. You may have seen some of the variations, but I highly doubt you’ve seen ALL of them. You’ll get to see techniques up close, on the bag, as well as on a live person.
Tons of punching tricks and secrets!
I’ve picked up hundreds of fighting secrets over the years and I bare it all here. A few of these tips might be stumbled upon by accident through years of experience. But many of them are truly impossible-to-discover gems! And can only be passed down from someone who’s already been there.
This isn’t the usual 20-point checklist style of technique, where you have to remember a million details (the fist, the shoulder, the hip). I’m talking about simplistic technique! I’ll say, “do this one little thing with your back” and you feel the difference in your body right away. There’s no fluff or long complicated drill process. Every tip is so golden you’ll be itching to try the next one. I’ve even had people tell me certain tips alone were worth the price of the entire course!
A complete course on punching technique – POWER, SPEED, TIMING, RHYTHM, ACCURACY!
Improve your technique in every single way—NOT JUST POWER! Speed gets punches past defenses, and returns your hand quicker (for defense or to punch again). Timing increases punch impact and also creates opportunities against defensive opponents. Rhythm gives your combinations flow and efficiency. Accuracy maximizes damage and increase the chances of a knockout.
Learn not only how to THROW knockout punches, but also how to LAND knockout punches!
A real lesson on punching power isn’t complete until you know how to LAND your punches. The final days will cover the most difficult skill of understanding timing and angles. This is literally THE skill needed for landing KNOCKOUT PUNCHES!
Secrets to Punching Power
- 8 HOURS of video
Nearly 480 minutes of technical instruction broken down into a 30-day intensive training program. Learn the secret techniques and over 100+ punching techniques to improve your punching power! - 42-page workbook
All the punching variations, exercises, and tips conveniently listed in a helpful PDF. Print it out, follow along, and make notes. - NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY
It’s most ideal to have a punching bag or a partner holding mitts in order to feel the difference, but you can still learn even if all you have is your body and nothing else. - THIS IS A STREAMING COURSE
No physical items are shipped, and also no downloads allowed. (I no longer want to deal with large video file hosting.) You’ll receive a member login after signing-up, where you can stream your course videos. You need internet to watch these videos.

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Skyler Carson (USA)
“I started off my amateur career with an 0-2 losing record because I lacked confidence and knowledge about the sport. I stopped boxing until I turned 18, two years later. Being someone who loves technology, Google is my go-to place where I found Expert Boxing.
I can honestly say that Expert Boxing has helped me grasp and understand boxing early in my career and understand the fundamentals. Ended my amateur career as 20 – 7 and won multiple titles before turning pro. I can say Expert Boxing has definitely been a factor in my success and progression in the sport.”
Kacper Dudzinski (PL)
“Welsh champion in 2014, finalist in 2015. Had 21 amateur bouts (won 19, lost 2) and got 2nd pro fight in 3 weeks time. Apart from being involved in so many gym sparring/training with world class amateurs and pros, ExpertBoxing probably played the biggest role in my career as I was following the tips, corrections and little adjustments through the last 5 years of my career. Funny enough sometimes in changing room before a fight, instead of listening to the trainer I was thinking about all of Johnny’s advices and stuff and it’s even more funny that it usually worked.
The way he presents stuff is so much more advanced and helpful as is not as obvious as all other cheap boxing videos you can find on Youtube. His videos are something different as he is describing the way of feeling stuff,…
(Full review)Scott Murray (UK)
My boxing background:
I’ve had had 40 amateur boxing fights. I was ready to turn professional in my mind and my coach offered me the opportunity, however due to a bad knee injury that had a lot of cartilage removed leaving me with almost bone on bone, I couldn’t go ahead. I had to surgeries over 2 years and had to train myself to walk again twice. Had my own boxing club and coaching business also, used where I used all the principles to teach all my clients and fighters. If it was not for the lack of any internal support in my lead knee, I would be a professional boxer right now as my full time job and passion, as all the guys that I used to spar and fight with are now good professionals, some elite world class level and future world champions to be.
Punching power secrets course was…
Jordan Johnson (USA)
“Hey Johnny,
I’ve been following your blog/youtube since my first day in boxing. This past April I won the Sr. Novice Heavyweight Golden Gloves in Chicago. I just want to say your vids have been helpful and inspirational along the way. I’ve had to learn the techniques you talk about the hard way in the gym. But you’ve always been another great resource for knowledge.
Your footwork dvds will help me win the advanced division next year! I’ve been practicing the principles from the first 2 days and already noticed a huge improvement in my confidence, footwork, and head movement due to my new understanding of my “center”. I now understand one of the huge differences between me and the pros I’ve spared with is their relaxation and use of their center of gravity. My legs have gotten very…
(Full review)Misha K. (RU)
Man it’s so much information in your new video course. Like A LOT just WOW. Like i can just see how the trainers here teach people just one technique and say it’s the only right technique but I watch your videos and I see that that techniques is just one of like dozens and by sticking to only that one technique you limit yourself A LOT. It’s crazy good, man.
That’s hands down the best product out there. It is just worth paying 200-500 dollars and i think when people realise how valuable that info is they will buy it for sure.
Juan (MX)
As always: GREAT. I have made sparring 3 times, last time my trainer said to me “hey Juan you do some movements like a professional but sometimes u fight terrible” what I try to say is that those movements are thanks to your videos or advices, on the other hand IM A BEGGINER.
thanks again Johnny.
Here's what you get…
Here is the topic list and daily breakdown of the training program. I’ve included a few highlights from each day—don’t look too closely—I purposely didn’t list everything that’s included in my videos. 😉
- Warm-Up Routines – for warming up muscles and joints. The #1 GOAL of warming up and how to do it properly.
- Warm-Up Mistakes – common mistakes fighters make when warming-up.
- Balance Principles – neutral axis awareness and strengthening your fighting stance.
- Weight Placement – standing on the right part of your feet for balance and power.
- Stance Mistakes – common body positions that weaken your stance and punches.
- Relaxed Power Theory – fundamental principles on creating power through relaxation.
- 3 Types of Power Exercises – to improve punching power.
- Importance of Shadowboxing – how it develops punching technique and makes you a more natural puncher.
- …and more.
- WHY – the jab is the most important weapon in boxing.
- Advantages of the JAB – and its main strategic goals.
- Jab BASICS – technique and form.
- Jab Elbow Extension – understanding how the left elbow extension and rotation affects your jab.
- Elbow Extension Drill – one SIMPLE drill to know if your elbow is extending properly (without “winging” or “delayed support”).
- Left Shoulder Pop – using it to add power and protect your chin.
- Jab POWER – where the jab’s power comes from and the easiest way to generate it.
- Body Alignment – how to put more of your body weight behind the jab.
- Jab Telegraph – addressing the telltale signs to prevent your jab from telegraphing.
- ….and more.
- Jab Variations – different kinds of jabs and the various boxing strategies to utilize them.
- Step-Jab Variations – different kinds of step jabs for probing, attacking, or making space.
- Jack Dempsey’s “falling step” technique – how to stack your body during the “fall”.
- Whipping Jabs and Flicker Jabs – playing with the height and extension of the elbow. Why flicker jabs feel more natural for some fighters.
- BACK-step Jabs and RIGHT-step Jabs – create angles with the step jab for defense or countering.
- Pivot Jabs – using the pivot jab offensively and defensively. Creating different angles using weight placement.
- Reaching Jabs – to add power, reach, or set up the classic “pull-counter” trick.
- Touch Jabs – to distract opponents and set up bigger punches.
- Pushing Jabs – to off-balance and frustrate opponents.
- Jab to the Body – different ways to throw jabs downstairs and the best timing for them.
- Up-Jabs – to split opponent guards and the head movement to set it up.
- Double Jab Movement – moving with the double-jab to set up different punches and attack rhythms.
- …and more.
- Timing the Elbow – to increase jab force and stability during punch impact.
- Proper Forearm Position – for straighter, stronger, snappier jabs, and more support.
- SHOULDER Jabs vs LAT Jabs – different ways to generate power and set up angles.
- Head Movement Tactics – to avoid getting countered, and also set up different attack angles and bait strategies.
- Why NOT to twist or pivot during a jab – the problems it creates and how they affect your follow-up right cross and left hook.
- …and more.
- ADVANTAGES of the Right Cross – all the things the right cross can do, as well as its vulnerabilities.
- Right Cross TECHNIQUE – proper form and rotation in your hand, arm, shoulders, torso, hips, and back foot.
- Right Cross POWER GENERATION – how, and how NOT, to generate power. Avoiding mistakes that waste energy, unbalance you, or expose you. (Discover why some fighters don’t feel power in their right cross.)
- Rotation Balance – body alignment in the right cross and technical mistakes to avoid.
- Right Leg PIVOTS – that add power, rather than lose power and get off-balance. Exposing the myth behind “shifting weight”.
- Leg CATCH – natural timing and rhythm to propel your body weight into each punch.
- The “SHOULDER POP” – releasing the shoulder for that “pro snap” on your rights.
- Knee BEND – how bent (or straight) your legs should be for maximum punching power.
- …and more.
- STRAIGHT right vs RIGHT cross – main differences in technique and strategy.
- Straight Right Visualizations – arm adjustments for sharper, cleaner power. Also, setting up straight rights with your jab.
- Changing the Wrist Angle – to curve overhand rights around different types of defenses. Using head movement to set up the overhand right.
- Elbow Placements – for more power during overhand rights.
- “IN-PLACE” Right Hands – cat-like pro move, great for getting knockout counter-punches while moving backwards.
- Head & Eye Control – to avoid telegraphing body attacks. Best timing for right hands, and the #1 mistake when throwing right hands to the body.
- Right Hook to the BODY – 2 angles for right hooks to the body, and the head movement strategy for each one.
- Setting Up Lead Rights – to make them faster, trickier, and create escape opportunities.
- …and more.
- Mastering the “shoulder pop” – SECRETS to the shoulder and arm “release” for more snap and speed without losing any power. / while still keeping maximum power
- Knee STABILIZATION – positioning the right knee for power rather than a power leak (common mistake).
- Axis Placement – different body weight placements for power and strategic purposes.
- Staying Balanced during WEIGHT SHIFTS – understanding where your right arm should be depending on where your weight is shifted.
- Head Movement with the Right Hand – to create attack angles and avoid counters.
- BLIND Right Hands – how and when to throw “no-look” right hands.
- …and more.
- ADVANTAGES of the Left Hook – key front hand weapon for getting around opponent defenses, trick punches, body shots, knockouts, and setting up your right hand.
- Left Hook TECHNIQUE – set up, pivot, turnover, and shift weight perfectly.
- Left Hook Safety – staying protected during your left hook. (Avoid the #1 mistake that gets fighters knocked out when throwing the left hook.)
- Natural Left Hook – comfortable positions for throwing left hooks without feeling pain or awkward. (What part of the arm to focus on.)
- Left Hook Power Generation – where the left hook’s power comes from. Understanding the 3 places that generate power on the left hook.
- POWERFUL Weight Shifts – shifting weight powerfully and quickly without swinging yourself off balance.
- Spine Position – avoiding the common mistake of putting your spine in the wrong place that makes you lose power/balance.
- Left Elbow Angles – best elbow positions for power and support on your hooks.
- …and more.
- Left Hook VARIATIONS – thrown from different positions, weight distributions, and angles. How they set up different punches, movements, and overall boxing strategy.
- Head Movement Strategies – set up punches or escape routes with your left hook.
- Shifting Strategy – why it’s OK to break rules in shifting weight for the left hook.
- HORIZONTAL Fist vs VERTICAL Fist – their differences in range, angles, and how they get around opponent defenses.
- Left Hooks to the BODY – painful body shot that debilitates opponents, slows them down, takes away their legs, and even causes knockouts.
- The “Back Line” – best position (for power and reach) for body hooks, without telegraphing or leaving yourself vulnerable to right hand counters.
- Weight Distribution – where to place your weight over your feet. (Putting it in the wrong place hollows out your left hook, decreasing power and balance.)
- Double-Hooks – throw multiple hooks without feeling slow and awkward. (HINT: it’s all in the weight shift). Exploring angles and rhythm to confuse opponents.
- …and more.
- Optimum Shoulder Range – establishing your left hook range in relation to your shoulder angle. Avoid “breaking the shoulder” to reach out of range.
- 4-Point Contraction – synchronizing 4 muscles together to maximize structural integrity and power transfer.
- “Back Swing” Technique – this is the MOST POWERFUL technique for left hooks. Commonly used by pros but almost never taught in boxing gyms. Understand why it’s so much stronger and balanced than the inferior “forward swing” technique.
- Wing Curve – helpful visualizations of “curving energy around your body” during the left hook to maximize power.
- Front Hook Dig – dig your body weight into THIS PART of your foot to get incredible power and stability on your left hooks.
- Left Hook RELEASE – the natural “arm release” method for more speed and power, without exposing yourself or tiring your arm muscles (common mistake).
- …and more.
- ADVANTAGES of the Uppercut – in power, angle, trickery, close-range use, and also getting around opponent defenses.
- Basic Uppercut Technique and Form – proper technique for arms, hips, legs, and staying compact. Avoiding mistakes in arm angle, weight shift and hip position.
- Uppercut Power Generation – using your legs to make uppercuts powerful and fast in combinations. Doing it wrong slows down your uppercuts and decreases balance.
- HIP Placement – the easiest way to make uppercuts several times more powerful.
- …and more.
- Shifting vs NON-Shifting Uppercuts – how they generate power differently and set up different attack angles.
- Elbow Angles – changing your elbow position to uppercut from different angles.
- SHORT vs LONG Uppercuts – for fighting at different distances.
- Uppercut Adjustments – to make them looping (to curve AROUND a guard) or straighter (to penetrate THROUGH a guard).
- …and more.
- The “Shoulder Rule” – the MOST important rule about aiming uppercuts, and why throwing them outside of this range is not only weaker but exposes you!
- Uppercut TWIST – mastering the “under twist” movement in the uppercut, and using this concept to generate knockout power with only a few inches of space.
- The “Up” Myth – the fallacy of the “up” movement in the uppercut, and how redefining this upwards projection makes uppercuts more compact and powerful.
- Head Placement – MULTIPLY your power by understanding how head position affects the uppercut.
- The “Back Angle” – find the secret angle (in just 3 simple movements) to throw the most devastating uppercuts from any position!
- Uppercut Stability – lining up your joints to properly reinforce your uppercuts.
- Uppercut Weight Placement – knowing where and how to sit down on your uppercuts, to ground you like a rock and let you crank power like never before!
- Uppercut Weight Shift – shifting weight correctly (and exactly how much to shift).
- …and more.
- Advanced Concepts – universal power principles that maximize power in all positions (even from “bad positions” or with “bad technique”). Analyzing where power really comes from and how to create it from anywhere, anytime. Raise body awareness.
- Power Breathing Techniques – timing these 2 parts of your body with your breathing to be more explosive, compact, and energy-efficient. (Never run out of breath again!)
- Perfect Arm Position – the EASIEST WAY to improve speed and stability on every punch. Get your elbow into the right position every time without over-thinking it.
- Leg LOAD – how to load your legs on every punch to increase power without slowing down your combinations or losing balance. Avoiding the “reset problem”.
- The “HIP DROP” – how to drop your weight into each punch, and keep the power line stacked to transfer force from the ground through your body.
- Core Activation – be stronger in all positions without becoming stiff or losing mobility.
- Push Control – the right amount of “push” to transfer power, without losing the snap or fatiguing your arm.
- Chest Presence – torso alignment for solidity; defend without hollowing your punches.
- Prep upper body and arms – before punching for more relaxation and mobility while also increasing power.
- “Back-Side” Power – generating power from the back side of your body (back, hamstrings, lats, glutes) instead of the front side (chest, arms, quads).
- CLOSED Rib-Cage – preventing power leaks through the rib-cage during punch impact.
- …and more.
- SNAPPING Punch – the classic boxer’s technique for POWER, SPEED, and EFFICIENCY! Understand snap timing, when to extend and retract, and guaranteeing the power transfer.
- SNAP Punches vs PUSH Punches – differences between snapping punches and pushing punches.
- Snapping Punch Visualizations – alternative ways of visualizing how your body and arm muscles sync together to fire with the right timing.
- OFF-Rhythm Attacks – disrupt your opponent’s timing and land surprise punches. Learn to punch off-rhythm WITHOUT losing your own timing!
- Heavy Bag TRAINING – helpful tips and training methods to develop good punch technique (and fighting habits). No more “blind punches” on the heavy bag!
- Upper & Lower Sync – allow your natural strength to flow by moving the upper and lower body together. Find your body’s natural torque, rhythm, and alignment.
- IMPLOSIVE Punching Theory – exploding your energy inwards instead of outwards for more solid power, balance, energy transfer, and overall body support.
- Arm Tension Control – for better speed, relaxation, and power transfer. Master the “release” to get that full snapping power on your punches.
- BODY Release – release punches with your body instead of your arms, to increase power and also conserve arm endurance.
- …and more.
- Becoming HEAVY – develop that solid, grounded feeling like the pros and older boxers. The “old man strength” gives you power and prevents you from getting pushed back.
- Spine Presence & Control – keeping your spine in the right place during punches. Avoiding the mistake of taking your spine out of position in order to block punches.
- Proper Leg Control – during punches and footwork movements for more power, mobility AND energy efficiency. (The secret is in HOW you bend your knees.)
- Axis Placement – precise weight distribution over your foot to engage more muscles during the weight shift (and strengthen your movements).
- ELBOW-LAT Connection – unifying the elbows and lats to have the best of both “arm punches” (snappy arm speed) and “core punches” (power from the core).
- PELVIS POSITION – controlling your hips to add stability to any fighting stance, body movement, or punching motion.
- …and more.
- REAL Hand-Speed – techniques that make your punches faster WITHOUT trying! Speed technique that requires more energy and more effort, is not true speed technique. (Your speed should stay with you the whole fight, and not make you tired.)
- EASY Speed Method – speed up your punches effortlessly, while using LESS technique. Learn how to FEEL lightning fast.
- Speed Breathing Techniques – to help you move faster and punch faster.
- WEIGHTLESS Arms – whereas many fighters try to punch faster by pushing with more effort, this method moves your arms faster by making them feel “lighter”.
- Efficient Arm Carrying – techniques, positions, and visualizations to help you carry your arms in the boxing stance with less effort.
- Speed Release – special punch technique that increases speed with less effort.
- The Art of Light Punches – fighting techniques and strategies using lighter punches to set up your bigger and more powerful punches.
- LIGHT Punching Tricks – explore new positions and unexpected angles to throw light punches from. (Remember: light punches can be thrown from anywhere since you don’t have to be in a power position!)
- Speed Attitude – changing your attitude for faster movement, faster reflexes. (Using aggressive intention to speed up your attack intervals.)
- “WHIPPING PUNCHES” – how to get the whip effect with your arms for more speed and snap, while using less energy.
- SPEED Training – interval drills to build up muscle burst and endurance conditioning for great hand speed.
- Training Mistakes – Beware of the typical training mistakes that decrease your speed training effectiveness.
- …and more.
- Basic Footwork Theory – combine footwork with punches to be more aggressive AND elusive.
- Footwork with Jabs – using the natural footwork rhythm to jab with each step. You can jab powerfully with front foot steps, back-foot steps, and also pivots.
- PRO-Style Walking Jabs – and how to use off-rhythm timing to land unexpected jabs.
- Footwork with Left Hooks – throwing left hooks with pivots, dashes, and step-ins. Using different hand angles and timing to land punches while avoiding counters.
- Footwork with Right Hands – 3 different ways of moving with the right hand for speed, power, and unpredictability. Exploring pivots to create attack angles or even turn southpaw.
- Follow-Up Angles – creating follow-up punching angles by combining footwork with any of your punches.
- …and more.
- Best Leg Positions – the best body alignment and weight distribution for faster footwork. (And avoid the worst alignment positions that slow down your movement.)
- Stance Anchoring – learn to anchor your body to the ground powerfully for rock-solid balance. And also how to SIT so you can root further into the ground while punching.
- The ART of Walking – relaxed footwork technique that saves energy AND masks your attacks. Use the natural walking rhythm to throw powerful punches at any moment!
- Walking Slickness – understand why some fighters miss out on this incredible skill because they don’t how to stay in “punching position” without lifting their fight.
- Footwork for Lead Punches – footwork strategy and technique to surprise opponents. Head movement to avoid counters while coming in (and coming out) with risky shots.
- IN-and-OUT Footwork – 3 basic principles to moving in-and-out of range quickly. And exercises to practice POWERFUL in-and-out movement (while staying relaxed).
- Footwork Mistakes – that make fighters use more energy and wear out their legs quickly.
- …and more.
- Muhammad Ali’s FLOATING Jab – why this is such a powerful mobile jab, and the different boxing tactics you can execute using this technique.
- Narrow stance – why it actually has more balance and power than a wide stance! (HINT: it’s not just putting your feet closer.) Change how you look at power generation.
- 5 Moving-Punching Drills – learn to move while punching WITHOUT losing power. CRUCIAL skill for chasing down mobile fighters (or running from aggressive fighters).
- Mittwork Drills for Footwork – developing good footwork habits while punching and counter-punching. Beware of various mistakes that can develop bad habits.
- SWITCH-Stance Strategies – to help you find angles, counters, and know what to do when you momentarily switch to southpaw (or vice versa).
- …and more.
- How to Improve Your Punch Combinations – more power, speed, rhythm, flow, all WHILE USING LESS ENERGY!
- Combination Fighting Mentality – convert your mindset from “fighting in combinations” (instead of “fighting in punches”). A true “combination fighter” can fight with more flow and immediately adjust his movements during an exchange.
- Combination Flow Principles – smoothly connect punches together. Feel the difference between a true FLOW COMBINATION puncher from a SINGLE SHOT puncher.
- Combination Rhythm Principles – to maximize flow, punch impact and energy-efficiency.
- Combination Breathing Technique – better breathing methods to help you flow, relax, and save energy when throwing combinations. Knowing how to breathe for multiple explosive movements also helps your footwork, head movement, and overall agility.
- …and more.
- The 3-Axis Positions – how to flow and transition through different axis positions. (THIS is the secret to having almost unlimited positions to attack and defend from!)
- LESS Technique – throw great punches WITHOUT having to worry about every bit of technique. Punch faster and flow effortlessly with just this one detail!
- Back-Side Power – how to use the back side of your body to throw combinations with incredible speed and power. (Can be used for lightning fast flurries or even deadly knockout punches.)
- Circular Flow Technique – improve combination flow by using one energy to throw multiple punches instead of generating new energy for every punch.
- …and more.
- FLOWING Snap – exercises and drills to help you throw snapping punches with a “smooth snap” instead of a “jerking snap”.
- Natural Bounce Return – avoid snapping your punches the “wrong way”. Use this exercise to retract your hand faster after every punch (without losing power).
- Internal Rotation – generate power using the more powerful INTERNAL rotation (spine), instead of the weaker EXTERNAL rotation (shoulders).
- …and more.
- Killer Punch Combinations – next 3 days will focus on tweaking combinations for maximum POWER and DAMAGE. Exploring the possibilities of each combination, generating power in different ways and attacking from different angles.
- Jab-based Combos – today covers the shorter jab-based combinations.
- 1-1 (double jab) – how to generate more power and snap on each jab. Proper body position to get maximum snap and power on each jab.
- 1-2 (jab, cross) – four variations of the 1-2 with different possibilities for speed, power, attack angle, footwork, and exit strategy.
- 1-1-2 (double jab, cross) – mix up various attack rhythms with your double jab to set up opponents for your right cross. Here’s a quick tip to help you keep this combo clean!
- 1-3 (jab-hook) – a great trick combination (using the hook) to surprise opponents expecting another jab or right hand. Set up the hook by attacking off-rhythm, faking a movement, or sneakily changing your left hook to make it undetectable.
- … and more.
- Classic combos – tips and techniques for longer and more difficult combinations. Find EVEN MORE angles to place your power!
- 1-2-3 combo – basic punch combo, versatile enough for any situation (gives you lots of speed and power with very low risk). Has 2 common axis positions, with many subtleties for offensive and defensive purposes.
- 1-2-1-2-(3) – classic blitz combination, using fast straight punches to surprise opponents and exploit openings. Learn how to be aggressive (but NOT predictable) with this simple combo.
- 1-2-3-2 – classic “Mexican style” combination, the MUST KNOW combo for being aggressive. Learn the right position and timing, to land big rights and hooks while still being hard to hit.
- 1-2-5 – classic defense-busting combination for penetrating defensive opponents. The TRICK is to make opponents expect a left hook, and then surprising them with an uppercut! Mix with the 1-2-3 and threaten from multiple angles for maximum confusion.
- 2-3 (follow-up) – powerful short combination often thrown as a counter, as a follow-up for other combos, or even on it’s own as a trick combo. You can get in and out of this combo using different set-ups, level changes, and footwork.
- 2-3-2, 2-5-2 (transition combos) – another short punch combination pattern to be used on it’s own or as a transition into other combos. Check out the all different angles you can find at short and long distances.
- …and more.
- Wide Combos – utilizing wide curving punches such as overhand rights, wide hooks, and uppercuts. Master the tactic of distracting opponents with straight punches to set up curved punches.
- 1-4 (jab, overhand right) – simple combo using what LOOKS like “bad form” on the right hand, and yet pros get knockouts with it all the time. Confuse opponents with body movement, and then surprise them with one of the many overhand right angles.
- 1-6 (jab, uppercut) – starting combination for landing uppercuts. Try out different angles to the head and body, and then transition into other punches after your uppercut.
- 1-6-5-2 – standard combination putting together 2 uppercuts. Attack from different positions and alter your power distribution to confuse opponent defenses. This combo has great angles for close-range.
- Double punches – technique for throwing consecutive punches from the same side, and mixing them into your combinations. Great tactic for surprising opponents with unexpected angles and punching rhythms.
- …and more.
- Knockout Angles & Strategy – 3 days of mastering the most important punching angles for knockout punches. (And the fighting strategies needed to set up opponents for these angles.) You have the best chance of knocking opponents out cold when countering, using their momentum against them!
- Jab – usually not strong enough to get KO’s but definitely strong enough to do damage and set up your bigger punches. Learn the countering positions that open up opponents for your most powerful jabs.
- Jab Push – clever tactic using the jab to push instead of to punch. Make opponents block so you can push them off balance to gain ground or set up punches. This move frustrates many fighters and can even cause mobile fighters to become stationary.
- Right Cross – many secrets and techniques to mastering this powerful shot. First, learn to recognize your opponent’s most vulnerable head position. Then learn to wait for the timing or even create it yourself with baits, head movement, and footwork.
- Avoiding Right Cross Counters – learn how NOT to get knocked out by a right hand. Being cautious of your most vulnerable head positions and how to throw punches with less risk.
- Right Cross Counter AGAINST a Jab – secrets to the most common power counter for the jab. Bait specific jabs out of your opponent using subtle head movements, and then counter with the right timing on your cross.
- Right Cross Counter AGAINST the Left Hook – classic catch-and-throw tactic that caused many knockouts in boxing! Learn the blocking position that lets your right hand counter immediately. It’s nearly impossible to defend when opponents aren’t ready for it.
- …and more.
- Right Hand Trade – the deadliest (and most common) knockout counter punch in boxing! Positioning, head placement, and exact timing to land the hardest head punch you can ever throw. Feel confident trading with aggressive opponents!
- Crouched Right – bait opponents with tricky crouching positions to set up nasty counter rights. Understand how crouching confuses fighters and using this psychological ploy to bait them into vulnerable positions.
- Right Hand to the BODY – land soul-crushing body shots, using sneaky tactics to make opponents expose themselves by punching at you or defending in the wrong place. (No more worrying that his arms are always blocking!)
- Concealing Body Shots – simple tip to hide your intentions and prevent opponents from knowing when you’re going to the body. Avoid making it obvious!
- …and more.
- Knockout Left Hook Counters (using HIGH-elbow) – great counter for targeting the chin, temple, and ear. Learn positions, weight shifting, and hook release methods for different distances. High-elbow left hooks can counter almost any punch.
- Knockout Left Hook Counters (using LOW-elbow) – great counter for targeting the chin, body-FRONT (stomach, solar plexus), or body-SIDE (ribs, liver). IMPORTANT: head movement tactics to avoid right hand counters when your left drops for the hook.
- Left Hook Trade – the 2nd most common KO punch. Just don’t get knocked out by HIS left hook. It’s not only about keeping your right hand up but also controlling your weight shifts.
- Sideways-Angle Hook (aka “left swing”) – a powerful but risky punch to throw. Surprise opponents using this hook variation as a lead, or also as a counter.
- Left Hook Counter AGAINST a Right Hand – exposing an opponent’s vulnerabilities during his cross. Learn several ways to hook around his right arm for different targets.
- Head Safety during Left Hooks – clever head movements and footwork to keep your head safely out of the way. (The trickiest part!)
- Knockout Right Uppercut – throw crushing uppercuts from various positions on the inside and outside. Learn a SPECIAL TIP to help you crank as much power as possible.
- Knockout Left Uppercut – throwing deadly uppercuts from the left hand now. Move your head to this ONE KEY POSITION to generate maximum power.
- Uppercut Timing – natural timing for knockout uppercuts. (No more waiting forever or forcing the shot.) Opponents are more vulnerable to uppercuts than you think!
- …and more.
- Orthodox vs Southpaw Punching Angles – the difference in boxing positions and angles when facing left-handers (or fighting as one).
- Classic 1-2 Variations against SOUTHPAWS – principles for throwing jabs and crosses against southpaws. Winning the awkward jab battle, and strategies for landing your rear hand while avoiding his.
- Footwork against SOUTHPAWS – getting into position against southpaws (instead of always tripping over his front foot).
- Aggressive Positions against SOUTHPAWS – attacking from the forward-axis punching position. Different timings to get into position, land your shots, and target areas you can aim for.
- Aggressive 1-2 – attacking (or baiting) from the forward axis angle. Try different timings for your cross, and aiming at different targets.
- KO Front Hook against SOUTHPAWS – footwork to get past his jab and put your shoulder into the natural hook angle. Hook at different targets depending on his attack.
- Mixing Hooks & Uppercuts – sneaky tactics to switch between hooks and uppercuts (as well as head and body shots) WITHOUT being detected!
- Uppercuts at Close and Long Range – uppercut strategies for different distances, and the accompanying head movement to keep you safe when you throw.
- …WHEW! Have you had enough?!
This is a paragraph block.